Our summer reading program has finally begun in my library... We have a whole list of activities planned for our littles and the one thing I am most proud of is our programs for our TEENS this summer. In the most recent years, we have not had any teen programs due to declining teen participation in activities.
However, this year we have a new Director! I was hired shortly after she began working herself, but she is making great work of turning my teen program ideas into reality! She is a new life that is being put into our old library. Not only with her own ideas, but helping to reenergize the rest of the staff.
Our summer reading program has especially made us proud! We all worked so hard on getting activities together and making them great for our kiddos. Our theme this year is SPACE. The Space theme is in honor of the 50th year celebration of Apollo 11. We have astronaut training; space themed movie nights, a blow-up planetarium and so many more activities. If your local to the Preble County, OH area then feel free to like us on facebook [@BrownMemorialLewisburg] and find out when activities will be held!
We are so excited about offering Teen Tuesday, Craft Wednesdays, Monday Movies and a NEW TEEN book club!
We hope to see ya'll there!